December 2009- Josiah was 16 months old, and not talking. After talking with some wonderful ladies at church, we decided to call Early On.
January-March 2010- Testing, testing, and more testing. We had early on came out to evaluate him and they did find a large language delay. Then we had many a doctors visits to make sure his hearing was okay, and his lead levels were also okay. All the tests came back fine. His ears work great, and he did not have too much lead in him. :-)
April-July 2010- Speech Therapy at Henry Ford Hospital. Because he qualified for early on, they provided 10 free speech therapy sessions at the hospital. I loved speech therapy, because they really taught me how to get Josiah talking more. I was SO sad when we used up our 10 sessions!
August 2010- Detroit Public School came out to evaluate him to see if he qualified for special education services. They found a large enough delay with his speech that he did qualify.
Today! - We have a plan! He is going to get a teacher that comes to our house once a week to work with him, and then he goes downtown once a week for a preschool type program. I'm happy we have a plan for our little peanut!