Friday, October 12, 2007

Day Camp!

Tomorrow, Donnie, Katie and I are heading up to CMU for the day. This is where Katie and I went to school. I have not been up there in FOREVER, so I'm very excited to go visit. After planning this trip, I got to thinking about Frankie. What is our Puggie going to do all day without us? The answer to this is three words.

Doggie Day Camp!!!!

Petsmart, at some locations, have doggie day camp, so we are sending him there for the day. This is not something that I would normally do, but I have a coupon for one day of FREE doggie day camp. What can be better than free???!!!??

I called this morning to make a reservation for him, and the kind lady was telling me all that they do during the day.

8-9am Quiet time
9-12pm Group Play Time
12-1pm Nap Time
1-5 Group Play time

Based on this schedule I'm a bit worried about Frankie. He is big into napping, and not so big into playing. However, it will be his dream come true if someone will pet him during the group play time. I will let you all know how it goes!!!


Courtney said...

I am honored to be a "Frankie Emergency Contact" while he is at doggie day camp!! :-) Have fun at Central, and I'll see you Sunday!

Rain said...

Awwww how cute maybe he will make some doggie friends. I know that when Jackson goes to petsmart he always has a blast.