Donnie, on the other hand, will tell you exactly how he is feeling. I would say he wears his heart on his sleeve. I do not. For some reason I feel the need to be in a good mood when I'm out and about. Donnie does not feel this way.
So what about you? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, like Donnie? Or do you keep your feelings to yourself, like me?
Actually, lately, with how stressful work has been I feel like a big Debbie Downer. Whenever anyone asks me how it's going instead of giving a standard "fine", it's been, "Ugh, I can't get caught up with my grading, how's it going with you?" or, "Ugh, I'm just counting down the days to the weekend, how about you?" You get the idea. If things are going well overall, I'll usually give a generic answer...But if things are going like they have been lately, I am much more honest. :-)
Yeah I will tend to give the generic answer, "I'm good, busy as usual." Typically that translates to....I'm tired, wish I had another day off, wanted to sleep in another hour this morning. However, at work I definitely wear my moods on my sleeve
Personally, I'm a hider. Paste on the smile and the standard "Fine" comes out of my mouth. But from an honesty point of view -- I think Donnie's got it right! Tell people you're struggling. Let them give you advice and encouragement and tell them what to pray for you! Uplifting words and a hug can REALLY turn your day around. SLEEVE IT BABY! ~~ Amy (oaks)
I have changed a lot over the years. Some say I am cold, but I like to think of myself as strong. I am also a hider. I always tell people I am fine, even when I am not. This past weekend I went to a memorial service for my grandfather that died last month and I think I cried for the first time in a very, very long time. For the first time in our 9 years (next Thursday) of married life, my husband was comforting me, instead of me comforting him.
I like you keep everything in. But overall I think Donnie and you are doing a great job. From the pics I see and the blogs I read you are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work!!
I would say that it depends on who it is asking me a complete stranger would get the im fine answer maybe even a distant relative but family that is close such as my sister or Donnie would get the ear full about how I really feel. Heck you know Donnie and I can talk for hours and that will be just one of us talking about or week LOL.
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