From Detroit to West Virgina is about 8 hours, and having a pug and a peanut with us we made many stops on the way. Surprisingly very few places we stopped had baby changing tables. Changing diapers in the car proved a bit hard to do. The peanut did really well in the car. We won't talk about how the pug did.

Donnie's dad was SO happy to see his grandson. (and his grandpug) He could not take his eyes off of the peanut. His dad held him every chance he got!

His dad was even happy to see Frankie. Frankie LOVES his grandpa because when ever he is eating Frankie gets some also. Frankie would even sleep in the same room as his grandpa every night.

We stayed there for four days. Leaving was hard on everyone. Donnie's dad did not want to see us go. But we had to go to continue our Christmas adventure.
Aw, the pictures of Josiah with his grandpa are SO adorable!!!!!!!!! I love them in black and white! So sweet.
Aww uncle james looks so happy to see the little guy. It is so good you guys got to go visit him for the holidays. And i just love the picture of frankie sleeping how cute. So was frankie whinning in the car? jackso does sometimes.
Me and my mom loved the pictures!! Happy New Year!!
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