Yesterday was Donnie's half birthday. As I have talked about before half birthdays are a big deal around here. Now we don't have money in the budget for half birthday celebrations, so I had to think of something to do for free.

I made him a card that I taped on the door for him when he got home. The peanut and I were at stroller strides when he got home, so I wanted the card to greet him.

We still had Donnie's decorations up from his birthday, so I decided just to add a 1/2 to them to make them appropriate this celebration.

As you can see in the pictures, there are some little presents that are taped to the wall for him. What are they you ask? They are dark chocolate bars. Donnie LOVES dark chocolate. Now how did I get them for free, you wonder? Well, CVS had them on sale for $1, and I had a $1 extra buck, so it was free!
Does anyone else celebrate half birthdays?
Happy 1/2 Birthday Donnie! I hope that it was as "half" as fun as your last birthday.
Well Happy Half birthday but I can not see any pictures maybe its just my computer or something but all I see is boxes with a little X at the top I will refresh again and see if it works otherwise maybe I will check it out later.
I actually had to stop and figure out when my half-birthday is! :-) So no, we do not celebrate them! But I hope Donnie had a great half-birthday! I looove dark chocolate too. Hope he enjoyed his candy bar!
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