We have a Christmas tree!!! And its decorated and up! My wonderful mother bought us a pre lit tabletop tree for our living room. She also brought all of my childhood ornaments that she had at her house.
My mom and I had a great time decorating the tree together. (well, I decorated the tree while my mother held the peanut, and told me where to put the ornaments.)
Shall we take a tour of the tree? Here we go.

All growing up I took ballet. I loved ballet, as I still do today, so I have MANY ballerina ornaments.

Growing up I also danced in the nutcracker ballet for many, many years. So I also have many nutcracker ornaments.

In the ornaments that my mom brought there were also many babies first Christmas ornaments. I think it will be so fun to have my first ornaments on the same tree with the peanuts first ornaments.

Also, under the tree I have my first stocking.

Does anyone else have their tree up?
Stacey I LOVE your tree!!!! It's so pretty! I love all the ballerina ornaments too...That first glass one is beautiful! :-) We have all of our Christmas stuff up too. Hopefully you, Donnie, and the peanut will be able to see it tonight! (???) I am going to update my blog today with pics from Thanksgiving and our decorations, so stay tuned! ;-)
That is really cute. I do not put up a tree since we come here to michigan for christmas we were thinking about getting a table top one and now that I see yours I just might cause it is really cute.
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