Tuesday, November 24, 2009


As I have posted before, a couple days a week I watch Noah. It’s funny to see them interact because they are complete opposites in every way. Noah is running and playing ever second he is awake. Josiah does not. Josiah throws tantrums, a lot of tantrums. Noah does not.

Another difference is how they fall asleep. When Josiah is ready for a nap he gets super cranky, we put him down in his crib, he cries for a few minutes, then falls asleep. Not Noah. He will be playing as hard as every, then all of a sudden he lies down and is asleep. It is the funniest thing to watch! I did get some pictures of him asleep after falling asleep eating.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Amy’s Gift

Donnie’s cousin Amy was planning on seeing the peanut around his birthday, but things did not work out. So she had to mail the peanuts birthday present. The peanut was most excited about getting a box in the mail!

“A box? For me?”

“What is it?”

“Yeah! A dinosaur! How awesome!”

“I will call him Mr. Dino Jr.”

The Mr. Dino Jr. came with a music DVD that the peanut loved! He even dances to it. I will have to get a video of that sometime soon!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sick Part 4,639

So after the night of screaming I thought something had to be wrong with the boy. Because the boy had no fever and no other symptoms his doctor said there was nothing wrong with him. I disagree. So I made a list of 5 possible peanut problems.

1. Teeth Problems (he is getting his molars in)
2. Stomach Problems (Donnie and I both have been having stomach issues)
3. Growing Pains (Katie came up with this one for us)
4. Mental Issues (how old does a kid have to be before they can have anti-depressants?)
And, in my option, the most likely
5. Demon Possession

Donnie called our pastor to discuss this possibility. (we love our pastor Chris) For some reason, Chris thought this was the funniest thing ever, and told us there would be no casting out of demons. We were very disappointed in this development.

My mother told us to go rent the movie Rosemary’s Baby. We will have to check into that.

(Update: Please note that the crankiness, as of now, has subsided. Praise the Lord!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sick Part 4,638

The peanut is still cranky. However, it got really bad Thursday morning at about 2:30am. He woke up crying. (Please note that the peanut normally is a really goodnight sleeper) I let him cry for a bit, then went in changed his diaper, and put him back down. Then he started SCREAMING. At about 3am I gave him some ibuprofen thinking that maybe he was in pain. Nope, he still screamed. At about 3:30am I gave him a bottle thinking that maybe he was hungry. Nope, he still screamed. At about 4am Donnie and I just decided to get him up. That did not even help. He was still screamed.

At this point Donnie and I are about to go crazy! It was so bad we called my mom at 4:30am asking her what to do. She suggested we call the doctor. We called the doctor, and she told us that the peanut was over tired, and to give him a bath.

I thought a bath was the stupidest idea ever, but we were desperate so we tried it. And you know what? He loved it! He was all laughing and splashing. We were shocked. After his bath he fell asleep watching Loony Tones with us. This was abound 5:30am. He slept till 9am. Thank the Lord!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The boy is sick AGAIN! It all started about a week ago with a cough, runny nose, etc. Then last Friday it turned into a fever, a high fever, a take the peanut to the doctor fever. The doctor said it was a virus and to keep an eye on him.

By Sunday the fever broke, and he was acting much like himself. Monday is was still acting better, but was being super cranky. Here is the proof.

Then this morning he woke up covered in little red dots. I knew it was time to go back to the doctor. (because the good Lord knows we are not there nearly often enough) And know what? He is sick! Mommy was right!!! He has roseola. He will be fine. My mother has recommended us just making standing appointments with the doctor twice a week. I think this would work for us.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Leaves Part 2

Here are the pictures from the leaves photo shoot. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Yes, we do live in the city, but we get a whole lot of leaves. More leaves than any person should have to deal with on such a small area. However, we did make the best of it by having some family fun time in the leaves.

I did do a leaves photo shoot. Those pictures will be up tomorrow.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Its official...he is walking. Well...wobbling I think is more like it.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

High Five!

Recently the peanut has learned how to give high fives. I do think this is the cutest thing ever, so I wanted to get a video of it. However, the peanut did not want to corporate. Whenever the video camera comes out the peanut starts hamming it up!

I do think the video that we did take is funny, even if there is no high five. On the plus side, so can see the peanut doing (what his grandpa Baughn calls) his war cry! Enjoy!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Birthday Week!

As all you know, this is my birthday week, and I have to say it is going very well. I'm sad to say I have no pictures! :-(

We celebrated my birthday on Wednesday by going out to dinner. My dear friend Katie surprised me by meeting us at dinner! With flowers! I have the best friends!

I some point I will have to take some pictures of my gifts and post them!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Happy belated Halloween! I have to say Halloween was great fun for us! When we first dressed the peanut up, he had a confused look on his face.
But then we took him in front of the mirror, and he was so excited! I think he liked how he looked!

My mom and I had made some pumpkin cookies that we took to my neighbors. I called it reverse trick or treating. I think the neighbors were happy to receive cookies. And everyone thought the peanut looked super cute as tigger!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hair Issues

The peanut’s hair is getting long. Really long. Needs to be cut long. I want to cut his hair myself, but Donnie is very against this idea. For some reason he has no trust in my baby hair cutting ability. (Maybe this is because I have never cut baby hair before) So we have decided that my Aunt Deb (who does know how to cut hair) will cut it. Even though we have not talked to her about it. So, Aunt Deb, will you cut the peanut’s hair?

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

H1N1 & Birthday

I have a question for everyone out there. Are you getting (or do you want to get) the H1N1 vaccine? Donnie and I are not so into vaccines, so our answer is no. However, the news is making SUCH a big deal about H1N1. I heard a comparison between H1N1 and polo! My goodness. I’m 99.9% sure I do not want the peanut to be vaccinated. But then when I watch the news and I’m 0.1% not so sure. So are you getting the vaccine?

ps- Happy Birthday to me! :-)

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Pox

As I had posted before, the peanut a few weeks ago got the chicken pox. Let me tell you, chicken pox does not a happy peanut make. To make matters worse, grandma and grandpa were on vacation in China the whole time!

It all started with what we thought was a pimple below his lip. We did not think anything of this, because the peanut’s skin around his mouth is always broke out. However, that night he did not sleep very well at all. Then the next day the peanut was not into eating. This is very uncommon. So I made an appointment with his doctor not having any idea what could be wrong. By the time we got to the doctor he had a few what looked like pimples, and I had a good idea it was the pox. And it was!

Below is a video that I made to document the pox for my mom and dad. It is 15 min long, so if you have some time to waste feel free to watch!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Birthday Week!

Its birthday week time! As many of you know I celebrate my birthday for a week. And I think I should get even more than a week this year seeing that I turn the big 3-0. For a long time, I was telling people that I was only turning 15. But I think I’m at the point now, that I’m embracing 30. I’m saying 30 is the new 15! Feel free to wish me birthday week wishes!