Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy One Month!

Today is Josiah's one month birthday! I will pass on any birthday wishes that you would like to give him. :-) This has been a hard month, but I have to say, it has gone SO fast!
Here, for your entertainment, is a picture of Donnie with his two sons, Frankie and Josiah. :-)


Courtney said...

Aw, that is such a cute picture!!!!

By the way, I think mommy needs to give the camera to daddy every once in awhile--I have yet to see a picture of YOU with the little peanut!! :-)

HAPPY ONE MONTH, JOSIAH!!! :-) I have a one-month birthday present for you that you will get on Sunday! :-)

Harrison's Life said...

Happy birthday little guy! And what an adorable photo!

Rain said...

Aww how cute and yes I agree with courtney I said that a few posts back we want mommy and baby pics too. Hope he had a great one month birthday :) I can wait to see you all.

Anonymous said...

One See you tomorrow!
