Saturday, February 03, 2007

House Fever

With many of our friends house hunting, somehow we have caught the house fever. We have been looking at house for the past few weeks. I really want to stay in Detroit, and the homes we were looking at went from bad to worse! There was a house with no pluming, a house that was missing windows, and so on. Needless to say we were getting very discouraged.

However, things turned around for the better yesterday. We found a great realtor, BJ, who showed us two nice houses! Both of these homes had pluming and windows!!!!

The house pictured above is the one we are going to make an offer on. It is SO cute!!! Small...but cute!!! It is in the Old Redford part of Detroit, and all the homes around it are super cute. My dad is going to come over tonight and look at the house so we can get a second opinion. It is all very exciting!!!


Anonymous said...

STACEY!!!! I just called you--give me a call!!!!!! This is so exciting!!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I remember putting our first bid on a house in Lincoln Park! We didn't end up getting that one but got another on the border of Southgate and Lincoln Park which we liked even better :) It was sold many, many years ago! We bought it for like 39,000 dollars back in 1994 and sold it for 70,000 in 2002 (my ex got every CENT of that money! grrrr). They did a flip and sold it for 117,000! Amazing.

GOOD LUCK! I'll say a prayer that you get it and all goes well! Keep WARM tomorrow! BRRRRRRR.


Anonymous said...

Hi Stacey,

This home is SO CUTE!!! You will think of a creative new name for your blog. Don't worry! If I were more creative at the moment, I would help you out; but can't think of a thing.

As a side note, I think I remember reading that you have very high property tax rates in Detroit Like 67mils Is this TRUE? Glad the new place has plumbing AND windows:)

Can't wait to read more about your new adventure.

Take Care,
