Last Sunday Jami, who I tutor at City Mission, celebrated her 5th birthday. She had a tea party birthday, and she invited all her friends to bring their dolls along with them. Jami, and her sister Caci even had matching outfits with their dolls! This was a great celebration of turning 5 years old.

Yesterday, I got the joy of spending the day with both girls. It has become a tradition that when City Mission delivers holiday food baskets I stay with the girls. Jami had got a gift card for Build-a-Bear for her birthday, so that's where we went.

Although the mall was very crowded. We had a great time building bears, eating lunch, and visiting the pet shop.

Aww looks like you had a blast :) where is there a build a bear at in Michigan my girls want to do that so so bad I keep telling them one day we will do it maybe next weekend would be good let me know if you can
I just got caught up on your blog!
My kids love BABW! And I love the squirrels in my backyard too. We have a possum sneaking around lately also! And bunnies. Can't forget the bunnies.
I am trying to scrape up the money to get a family membership at the zoo as well. I think we are going to the Science Center on Saturday and going to get a membership there. I like to take Emme to places like that for field trips when the other two are in school.
What luck that you got a picture of a cardinal AND a bluejay at the same time! I get a male cardinal quite a bit and once in a great while I will have a blue jay. Mostly we get sparrows, juncos, and mourning doves.
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