Seeing that I did not have to be anywhere till 2 I spent most of the day lounging around the house. I was setting up some other appointments when I looked at my calender and saw that my doctors appointment was at 8am, not 2pm! I had missed my doctors appointment! I was so upset with myself. So I promptly called and rescheduled.
Seeing that I did not go to the doctor, I called my friend Katie and we planned to meet at 2:30, not 4. We planned to meet at "our" Starbucks. Both of us do love Starbucks. So I went to "our" Starbucks and waited and waited...and waited for Katie. She never showed up. I thought that was so odd of her. I ended up talking to her (via voice mail) and there was another mix up. When I said "our" Starbucks I was talking about one that we meet at in Southfield. Katie took "our" Starbucks to be the one in Rochester. So we were both waiting for each other at different Starbucks, and neither of us had our cell phones with us. Too crazy.
Onto another crazy subject. Frankie is shedding like CRAZY! Here is a picture of my shirt after petting him for like 2 min.

To combat this shedding problem I recently bought a Furminator. This thing takes out SO much hair!! It works great, and Frankie loves it. Now I just have to remember to do it more often!

That Furminator thing is crazy! We should get one for Chloe!
Thanks for your comments on my blog! By the way, did you know Jen Duca got engaged?!
That has happened to me quite a few times when the person you are suppose to be meeting with is at a whole other place. You gotta love it!
does it work on donnie's back too .... lmao ;)
Does it trim hair or does it comb out the loose ones? Sophie needs something like that. Just a nice comb or brush that will remove all her loose hair!
And to answer your question -- OF COURSE I WOULD LOVE your teacher left-over stash! lol We go through lots and lots of everything here. It would be much appreciated!
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