Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas Day - Day 2

Christmas morning we woke up to a great number of presents under the tree. (yes, Santa still comes to visit) My mom, dad, grandma, hubby and I all had a great time opening gifts. Many of the gifts that Donnie and I gave this year were from shutterfly. Here are some pictures!

After all the presents were opened we got dressed and headed to my uncles house for lunch and more presents! Every year my Aunt Deb makes a calender for my grandma using pictures of the family taken through the year. This year, somehow, I made the cover! However, she took the picture from my blog when I was sick with the flu over thanksgiving. Too funny.

As a Christmas gift my cousin Sarah was given the new Twister game which is sorta like Dance Dance Revolution. I had a blast playing it with her!

After that we headed over to my dad's side of the family for more food and presents. I'm sorry to report that I have no pictures of this event. :-)

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