Today my hubby and I headed to Petsmart to pick up some gerbil and hammy food. Well...when we were there, their was a pug rescue group there. Now keep in mind Donnie and I have been thinking about getting a dog for awhile now. We fell in love with THE cutest little pug.
Frankie (pictured above) is 7 years old and very mellow. We hung out with him and his foster parents for quite awhile today at Petsmart. He is not much of a licker (a plus for me!), not too much of a barker, and does not mind being home alone. He loves to go on walks, but most of the time loves to sleep. Seeing that Donnie and I love to sleep also I think its a perfect match!
However dogs are a lot of work, and you can't leave them alone for very long. Also its a very big commitment to adopt a dog!So here is where your help is needed. Should we adopt Frankie? Please leave your two cents!!! Thanks!!!
Hey! I think any time a dog can be adopted from a rescue (even if it is a "good" rescue situation like a foster home) it is a great thing! Sounds like Frankie would get along great with you and Donnie. The only thing I'd say to keep in mind would be that since he is already 7 years old, he is probably already more than half of his "life expectancy" age right? After seeing what Steve's mom JUST went through with Taffy when she got up there before she had to put her down, you encounter a LOT of vet bills when the dog gets up in age. Like I said, just something to consider. Steve's mom just today brought home a dog she adopted from a rescue...I'll be sending you pics and details soon!
Good luck with your decision!
Frankie may look really cute, but cute will only get you so far. In the simplest form...Pets are expensive and require a lot of attention. I think that you and Donnie should wait. Especially since you just bought a new house. I sincerely believe that there will be many more dogs like Frankie in your future.
I vote for Frankie over hamsters, gerbils, and rats any day. He is so cute!
You guys should talk to Steve and Shiney (Jennifer) at The Oaks. They just adopted a cute pug.
One vote for Frankie please.
Dogs are such a big responsibility and expense,plus what do you do with a dog when you want to go away for the weekend?Then the poor thing would be home all day alone. Let alone all the hair all over the house. Do you like to clean?
Being a pug lover like I am and knowing how pugs are I say YES get frankie he is a cutie. And my sister has had pugs for many years now. (and also a her husband is named Frankie so I think that is TWO YES VOTES FOR HIM!!)And yes they shed but all dogs shed and they are not very dirty dogs and not really high maintainence I take my pug once a month too get his shampoo, conditioner, hair brushed, teeth brushed, nails clipped, ears cleaned and it only cost 16.00 at petsmart. He goes to the vet twice a year for shots and check up and has not been anything more then 80.00 once and that was because he had an allergic reaction to something but I say YES get frankie he is too cute and also you can not put a price on PUG LOVE and COMPANIONSHIP. He will be thankful for you and you for him so go ahead MAKE HIS DAY :) AND YOURS :)
Where is the pic of you guys bringing Frankie to your house? :)
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