Sunday was a big day for us around here. My mom wanted us to go see my Grandma who lives in Ohio. So we drove 4 hours there and 4 hours back all in one day. It was crazy! However, my grandma had no idea that Donnie and I were coming, and she was SO surprised. That made it all worth it. It was nice getting to visit with her for awhile, because I had not seen her in awhile.

On our way back home we had dinner at Cracker Barrel. I was playing around with my camera settings and took this picture. I think it turned out fun!
We missed seeing you on Sunday! I am sure that your g-ma was thrilled to see you! Way to bless her on Mother's Day! You inspired me to make more surprising visits to those that I love.
I am happy you got to see your grandma that was great but when are you guys gonna come see me?? you know youngstown is not that far from me you had to pass me to see your grandma. We all have to get together and do something whether it is here or in Michigan maybe we can plan a weekend trip to Cedar point just a thought :)
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